Sudan’s Darfur on the edge of a new chapter

A decade later, it seems that the Darfur problem has come full circle and arrived at a new junction. Will the Darfur problem retain its local dimension under the control of the Sudanese state? Or will it open the door for further international escalation? The Darfur region is located in Western Sudan and covers an area of 500,000 square kilometers, almost the size of

Alsir Sidahmed

A journalist from Sudan, specialised in petrol-related issues

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A decade later, it seems that the Darfur problem has come full circle and arrived at a new junction. Will the Darfur problem retain its local dimension under the control of the Sudanese state? Or will it open the door for further international escalation? The Darfur region is located in Western Sudan and covers an area of 500,000 square kilometers, almost the size of France.

Articles from Sudan

From the same author