Complaining about Jordan’s over-crowded streets has become part of Jordanians’ everyday life. Indeed, there might come a day when you don’t find a space on the road for a new car, in a country where the number of officially registered cars has reached 1.5 million or, to put it mildly, one car per five citizens. The number of vehicles in Jordan increases by 8 per cent each year, double the global percentage. Cars with Arab and foreign plates also “compete” with Jordanian cars on the roads because nearly a million non-Jordanian cars enter and leave Jordan annually, according to the estimates of the Jordanian Customs Administration which means that 1.8 vehicles permeate Amman’s roads during peak times. Things look eerily similar in the transport centers and bus stations over-crowded with people who wait since the morning to find a place on the bus or even a space to stand and get to their work.
Public Transportation in Jordan
Complaining about Jordan’s over-crowded streets has become part of Jordanians’ everyday life. Indeed, there might come a day when you don’t find a space on the road for a new car, in a country where the number of officially registered cars has reached 1.5 million or, to put it mildly, one car per five citizens. The number of vehicles

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