اليوم 16
مقتطف من "جرافيتي لشخصين" نص مشترك لعلاء ودومة:
"لماذا نخاف الاعتراف بالضعف؟ بأننا بشر تفرمنا المدرعات وتخيفنا وتوحشنا السجون ويشوه الرصاص أفكارنا وأحلامنا، بشر يتكبدون الهزائم وتخذلهم أجسادهم وتضعفهم نفوسهم الأمّارة بالسوء، تحرقهم أحلامهم وتشلّهم كوابيسهم .. بشر يبحثون عمن يساعدهم على اليأس بالحب!!
الأمل ..
كمفتاح الجنة
فتكون نجوتْ
لكن الجنة ندخلها
في الأحلام ..
وبعد الموت!!"
فاضلنا 3 أيام على جلسة نقض دومة الحكم عليه بالسجن المؤبد في أحداث مجلس الوزراء، الجلسة الخميس 12 أكتوبر
جلسة نقض علاء في الحكم عليه ب 5 سنين سجن و5 سنين مراقبة في قضية الشورى، هتبقى الخميس اللي بعده يوم 19 أكتوبر
25 Days for Alaa continuous
Day 16
An extract from "Graffiti for two" a text written jointly by Alaa and Douma
"They say that despair is treason. I understood but I wasn’t convinced. They also said to me, “Brother, behind bars you are free.” And here I am behind bars, stripped of my will and my dream, and I know from experience that a bit of me will stay behind these bars even when the decision comes to let me go.
Myths are part of my inheritance. They said, “Who can — for one hour — imprison Egypt?” Even though everyone knows that Tapioca and Alcazar and every — and any — general can imprison her for as many hours as the clocks with green hands he sees in his visions.
They said, “You can’t kill an idea.” But what use are immortal ideas, lost in the noise of gunfire?
Why are we afraid to admit weakness? To admit that we are human, that APCs destroy us and prisons make us lonely and bullets scar our thoughts and our dreams. We are humans suffering defeats, let down by our bodies, made weak by our imperfections, burned by our dreams and paralyzed by our nightmares. Humans looking to love, for support against despair.
like the key to paradise
if you own it
you’re saved
But we enter paradise
in our dreams
and when we die."
3 days separating us from Ahmed Douma's appeal, on a life sentence imprisonment, which is set to be viewed by the court of Cassation next Thursday - Cabinet Clashes cases.
Also, Alaa's appeal, on the 5 year sentence and five year strict probation, is set to be viewed by the court of Cassation on the Thursday after, 19th of October - Shoura council case
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