Difficulties of the Egyptian migrant workers in Libya

    The huge banners fluttering in Egypt’s skies read: “Enter safe and sound into Egypt; Egypt is the country of good people.” These sentences were never read without irony by Egyptians who constantly wonder: which is safer and more dignified, living inside Egypt or outside it? As life becomes harsher, corruption increases and the stronghold of the

Mona Sleem

Egyptian Journalist

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    The huge banners fluttering in Egypt’s skies read: “Enter safe and sound into Egypt; Egypt is the country of good people.” These sentences were never read without irony by Egyptians who constantly wonder: which is safer and more dignified, living inside Egypt or outside it?
As life becomes harsher, corruption increases and the stronghold of the security apparatus tightens, is it still possible to feel safe in Egypt? And is it indeed the country of the “good” or is the word too naïve to include everyone? And are these sentences relevant for the drained Egyptians or are they the exclusive privilege of the neatly-dressed tourists who enter Egypt to see the museums and the parks? 
These cogitations were more pressing than ever when Egyptian migrant workers returned from Libya and set foot in the Cairo International Airport while those banners were hanging over their heads.

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